икона Стреловые краны

The jib crane has a lifting capacity ranging from 100kg to 5000kg and arm lengths from 1 to 8 meters. It is known for its safety and reliability, as well as its efficiency, energy-saving, time-saving and flexibility. This crane allows for free operation in three-dimensional space and demonstrates superior performance in scenarios that require frequent transport or dense operations. It is more advantageous than other conventional lifting equipment in such environments.

Product Features:

  • Lifting capacity: From 100kg to 5,000kg
  • Arm length: 1 to 8 meters
  • Efficient, energy-saving, and time-efficient operation
  • Superior performance in dense and frequent transport environments
  • Compatible with various hoisting systems, including chain hoists, wire rope hoists, and pneumatic hoists
  • Easy installation and transferability

Сценарии применения:

  • Сборочные цеха
  • Machine processing workshops
  • Сборка пресс-формы
  • Научно-исследовательские лаборатории
  • Мастерские по техническому обслуживанию
  • Малые грузовые станции
  • Склады

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